New Projects Management

We manage your projects

Let us manage any of your entire, new engineering projects, from the very beginning to the last detail:


>  Planning and organization of resources

>  Management and guidance

>  Suppliers and qualified staff

>  Work team creation and allocation

>  Achievement of quality certifies, protocols and tests

>  Final invoicing and completion certificates



The next project we want to manage and lead to success is yours. We have a wide range of professionals who will fit the engineering-related areas and cope them with the highest success, making the most of all the business opportunities of such a competitive world.

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The industry moves at a furious pace and the requirement of most competitive systems is growing. Therefore, companies need to have a service provider to help them make the most of themselves.


Optimization of costs, scope of business, having the best professionals, flexibility and creativity are the main competitive advantages of the outsourcing.


The Internet has globalized trade relations: more products, mores partners to negotiate with new technological challenges… JMJ is a leading company in automation of business processes. Let us help you!



Talking about automatization of processes, we lead the market. Our solutions have already helped many companies to widen their business and raise up their value. Would you like to join them?



Talking about automatization of processes, we lead the market. Our solutions have already helped many companies to widen their business and raise up their value. Would you like to join them?