Privacy policy Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L.

Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. with address c/ Bravo Murillo, 359, 12, 28020, Madrid, VAT nr B87395604, tel. 902 102 290 and e-mail, by this text aims to let you know which are the regulations and criteria used regarding the usage of personal data provided by any user when entering


Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. According to the Spanish Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de Protección de datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD) and its regulations detailed in art. 5 & 6, informs all users providing or going to provide their personal data that they will we added to an automatized file, propperly registered at Agencia Española de Protección de Datos .


Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. informs and guarantees the users that their personal data will not be transferred under no circumstance to third parties. In case these data were to be transferred, user would be expressly asked for express, informed and unambiguous consent of the holder.
Data requested at the web site are compulsory since they are needed in order to provide user an optimal service. Should they not be given, provider can not guarantee that information and services may fully fit the user’s needs.


Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. however guarantees the user the right of access, change, cancel, information and desagreement, according to the Law. As it’s settled in the Spanish Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD) user may exercise rights by sending a specific application with a copy of his/her ID, via:
Post: Apartado de Correos nº 26, 24410.
In addition, Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. has adopted all technical and organization measures needed in order to guarantee the security and integrity of personal data given, avoid its loss, change and/or Access by third non-authorized parties.


Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. may on its own or through a third party use cookies when the user browses the web site. Cookies are files sent to browser with the aim of registering user’s activities while browsing this particular site.
Using cookies do not allow the server to recognize the browser used by the user with the aim of having an easier browse, allowing the users previously logged entering the services, areas, promos or contests exclusively reserved for them, without having to log in every time they visit to the site. The cookies are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters, control the growth and number of visits.
The user can configure his/her browser in order to be announced of the cookies and to refuse the installation on his computer. Please check out the instructions and handbooks of your browser for full information on it.
The cookies used at this site are however temporary and their only aim is to make the transmission more efficient. Under no circumstance, cookies will be used to get personal information of the user.
This web site uses information security moods widely accepted, such as firewalls, access controls and cryptographic procedures, with the goal of avoiding a non-authorized access to the data. To guarantee this, the user/client accepts that Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. gets data in order to authenticate the access control.



While browsing our sites, the Internet servers will automatically keep your IP data on the access logs, with the only aim of allowing the Internet browse. It is necessary that your computer provides this IP data so communications can take place. Your IP data will also be used for statistical information such as number of visits to the site and location, with no interferences to the browsing.


Accuracy and veracity of data

The user is the only responsible of the accuracy and veracity of the data provided Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. releasing the provider of any responsibility on them. The users guarantee and take responsibility of the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the data provided, and they commit to keep them properly updated. The user also accepts to provide full and true information in the contact or suscription forms.


Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. will not be responsible of the veracity of those information not created or divulgated by the Company but any other source. Therefore, JMJ will not assume any responsibility regarding hypothetical perjury derived from the use of this information. the provider will be released of any responsibility regarding any damage or harm the user could suffer as a consequence of mistakes, defects or omissions in the information provided by Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. when it comes from third parties.


Acceptance and aknowledgement

The user accepts to have been informed of the personal data protection conditions, accepts and agrees with the use of these data by Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L., n the way and aim described in this Privacy Policy.


Changes in this privacy policy

Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. has de right to modify this policy in order to be adapted to all legal updates or industry practices. In this case, the provider will in advance announce on its web site all changes made.


E-mails and Adds

According to LSSICE, Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. will not perform any SPAM action. This means the Company does not send advertising emails not requested or authorized previously. As a consequence, the user has the possibility to give express consent to receive our “Newsletter” on each form, in spite of the occasionally requested information.

Consulting JMJ & JMJ INVESTMENTS S.L. Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file which is downloaded to your computer whenever you browse certain sites. The cookies allow the site to keep and recover information on the browsing patterns of an user or computer and, depending on the information on them and the way the computer is used, can be used to recognize an user.


How many kinds of Cookies do exist?

1. According to the entity managing the computer or domain where the cookies are sent from and the kind of data obtained:

Own Cookies:They are sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain managed by the editor and where the service is provided from.

Third Party Cookies:They are sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain not managed by the editor, but by a different entity in charge of the treatment of the data obtained.
In case the cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the editor, but the information obtained is managed by a third party, the cookies can not be considered as own.

2. According to the time-lapse the cookies remain active on the user’s computer:

Log-in Cookies: They are aimed to get and store data while the user enters a web site. They are usually used for storing just the needed information to ease the access and service provided on each log-in, for example, a list of products.

Lasting Cookies: The remain stored in the user’s computer and can be accessed and treated for a specific period of time by the cookie’s responsible. This time-lapse can be a few minutes to several years.

3. According to the aim of the data obtained:

Technical cookies
Customizing cookies
Analysis cookies
Adds cookies
Behaviour cookies


What kind of cookies are used in this site?

When browsing our web, you are properly informed that the cookies to be downloaded to your computer are:


Own cookies
The cookies used are own cookies. This means they are sent to the user’s computer from a domain managed by the editor. They are the essentials for the requested services and to allow the communication between the user’s computer and the net.
The information contained in the cookies is only treated by the provider. These cookies are exclusively used for:

User’s access
Log-in, authentication
User’s security
Multimedia player log-in
Load process
Interface customization
Plug-in for social
Fill out forms
They all are exempt of the obligation of informing and getting user’s consent..


Third Party Cookies
There are many different sections in our site where third party cookies can be installed. Specifically:
Thirp Party Cookies can be installed in your browser while browsing f you’re for example, clicking the “share” button. The companies managing these cookies have their own privacy policies:

Twitter cookies, according to its own Privacy policy and cookies use
Linkedin cookies, according to its own Cookies Policy
Facebook cookies, according to its Cookies Policy
Google+ & Google Maps cookies, according to the kind of cookies used.

If you go on browsing, we do understand you agree and accept the use. You can change the set-up of your browser in case you want it to announce you are receiving them on your computer, or deactivate the storing of these cookies on your computer.


How are cookies managed?

The cookies are standard text files, so they can be open with most of the text editors. You can click on one of them to open it. Then, a list of links is displayed, so you can find the way to see cookies at many different browsers. If you’re using a different browser, check out its own information on cookies. If you’re using a mobile, check out de handbook of the device to get more information.

Explorer 8 / 10


Deactivation / activation of cookies

Limit or block the cookies must be done through your browser set-ups

If you don’t want any cookie on your computer, you can adjust the set-ups of your browser so you will be announced whenever one cookie is trying to be installed on your computer. You can also adjust the set-ups so your computer rejects all cookies. In addition, you can delete all cookies already downloaded to your computer. Please note that you will have to adjust each and every browser and computer you may use.

Also note that, if you don’t wan to receive cookies, we can not guarantee this site will run properly. Several functions may be lost and you may not be able to enter certain sites. Rejecting cookies does not mean you are not going to receive ads. It simply means that these ads will not fit your interest and preferences, and will be more frequent.

Each browser has a different method to adjust settings. If needed, check out the help function of your browser to set the proper configuration.

If you want to deactivate cookies on your mobile, check out the handbook of the device for more information.

We can read more on cookies at

Taking into account the way the Internet and the sites run, we do not always have all information on third party cookies on our site. Specially, regarding the so-called “integrated elements”: texts, documents, images or movies, stored in a different place but displayed on our site.

Therefore, should you find this kind of cookies not listed above, please let us know or contact the third party and ask for information on the cookies, the aim and duration of the cookies and the way your privacy is guaranteed.